
Shwetak N. Patel is the Washington Research Foundation Entrepreneurship Endowed Professor in Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering. His research interests are in the areas of Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing, Sensor-enabled Embedded Systems, and User Interface Software and Technology. Shwetak was a co-founder of Zensi, Inc., a residential energy monitoring company, which was acquired by Belkin, Inc in 2010. He was also a co-founder of a low-power wireless sensor platform company called SNUPI Technologies and a consumer home sensing product called WallyHome, which was acquired by Sears in 2015. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2008 and B.S. in Computer Science in 2003. Shwetak is a recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship (2011), Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship (2011), Sloan Fellowship (2012), MIT TR-35 Award (2009), NSF Career Award (2013), Presidential PECASE Award (2016), ACM Fellow (2016), and ACM Prize in Computing (2018).

Current Doctoral Students

Computer Science & Engineering
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering

Research Staff

Computer Science & Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering

Current Masters Students

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Current Undergraduates

Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering

Former PhD Students

Researcher and Hardware Architect at Google
CTO of PreemptiveAI
Research Scientist at Google Consumer Health Research
Google DeepMind
MLSys Engineer at OctoML
Research Scientist at Facebook Reality Labs
Assistant Professor at UCSD
Research Scientist at Amazon
Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto
Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research India
Research Scientist at Apple
Machine Learning Optimization at Meta
Senior Research Engineer at Julia Computing
Researcher at Meta Reality Labs
Tien-jui Lee
Founding Software Engineer at Dropzone AI
Matthew Kay
Assistant Professor at Northwestern University
Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University
Research Scientist at Apple
CTO at CloudWerx
Researcher at Microsoft Research
Associate Professor at Southern Methodist University
Professor at the University of Washington

Former Masters Students

Md Tanvir Islam Aumi
Jake Garrison
Fran Iannacci
Olga Khvan
Jack Lindsay
Sean Liu
Eric Swanson
Aspen Tng

Former Visiting Researchers

Dorothy Wong

Former Undergraduates

Rajas Agashe
Ramses Alcaide
Sergey Alekhnovich
Megan Banks
Steven Benaloh
Tim Campbell
Eric Chan
Yuxiang Chen
Michael Chou
Matt Dorsett
Michael Fadaie
Sunil Garg
Ka Ho Guh
Alex Horton
Divye Jain
Siju Jiang
Brandon Johanson
Michael Johnson
Mayank Kathuria
Han Kim
Hung Yu Ko
Justin Kotalik
Stefan Kristjansson
William Li
Frank Liu
Clara Lu
Andrew Luo
Aishwarya Mandyam
Vardhman Mehta
Jonas Michel
Josh Peterson
Tadeusz Pforte
Cameron Pickett
Rajneil Rana
Julia Schwarz
Ryan Smoots
Tom Sommerville
Clint Tseng
Erik Turnquist
Ying Wang
Meiling Wu
Michael Yi
Samuel Yisrael
Milda Zizyte

Former Research Staff