Getting Involved

PhD Students

We receive a lot of inquiries from prospective PhD students wanting to join the lab, but unfortunately we are not able to take every student. We are also not able to directly admit to the lab and students must apply and be admitted to the UW CSE or EE PhD program before we are able to make commitments to students. Students interested in joining the lab as a PhD student should contact Prof. Shwetak Patel.

Masters Students

We certainly welcome Masters students, but prioritize funding and RAs to PhD students. From time to time we may offer an RA to Masters students. However, we typically first ask Masters students to work on a small project in the lab for course credit to establish fit and confirm the student’s interest in the topic area.


Undergraduate research is an important part of the lab and we have a very active group of undergraduates working in the group.


Undergraduates and Masters students interested in conducting research in the Ubicomp lab must fill out an application before the start of the quarter during the academic year. We use the applications to keep track of everyone interested in doing research and to find project matches. Please note that we often get many more applications than positions we have, but we will try our best to find an opportunity for you.

Apply Here to get involved in the Spring quarter.

UbiComp Seminar

The UbiComp Seminar (CSE590U) meets every Monday from 12-1pm. Topics for seminar have included: guest speaker talks, discussions about research papers, mini-workshops, and more. If you would like to give a talk at the UbiComp Seminar, please contact and we can help schedule a time.

High school research opportunities

The Ubicomp Lab invites a select number of high school students from the Seattle area to conduct an intense 8-week long research project during the summer from July 7th - August 29th. Prof. Shwetak Patel created this program because of his own participation in research when he was in high school and the incredible experience it provided for his career path.

This year, we are accepting applications through the Allen School High School Summer Research Intern Program. The application closes March 31st.

Receive updates

You can also subscribe to the lab email list if you are interested in receiving information on the lab and research updates. We also occasionally share opportunities for people to participate in our research studies as volunteer research subjects, which are shared to that list.